
Yellow Sapphire Perfume


Yellow Sapphire


Yellow Sapphire Perfume consists fragrances of flowers and herbs which are related to Jupiter planet.

Yellow Sapphire Perfume is a better alternative of Yellow Sapphire Stone (पुखराज) as remedy to strong Jupiter planet in astrological manner.

Jupiter is also known as Guru or Brihaspati.

Benefits of Yellow Sapphire Perfume includes:

  • Strengthens Communication
  • Improves Health
  • Brings Harmony in Marital Relationships
  • Delivers Professional Success
  • Attracts Wealth
  • Amplifies Fame and Prosperity
  • Facilitates Anger Management
  • Helps achieve Academic Success

It rules two signs: Sagittarius and Pisces. Jupiter is also a day lord of Thursday.

Jupiter is considered Pious planet, One should avoid involving in malpractices while strengthening its Jupiter planet.

Additional information

Weight250 g

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